Alas, all the painting is complete, except for the bedrooms because I'm waiting to be inspired. Any ideas?
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
After these messages I'll be riiiiiight back!
Alas, all the painting is complete, except for the bedrooms because I'm waiting to be inspired. Any ideas?
Posted by Sam at 8:04 AM 2 comments
Monday, November 10, 2008
Anniversary Special
Posted by Sam at 2:30 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
I am asking you to pray for comfort to a family of a little boy I took care of in the NICU. They are a precious family with two little boys that are mourning the death of their son this morning. This child went through so much during his time on earth, and I cannot imagine what his parents and brothers are going through. You can read his story at Thank goodness God is a big God, and can handle me questioning Him from time to time, because I sure want to know why on this one.
Posted by Sam at 11:33 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Fast forward to yesterday, when Mrs. Realtor told us that Mr. Next-door-neighbor would not be able to buy the 8 acres, and Mr. Seller is going to list the land for Mr. Anyone in the world to buy. Oh, and did I mention that we are involuntarily "donating" a 30 foot easement through our land so that the back 8 aren't landlocked. Harumph.
So, the irrational person that I am wants to buy up that 8 acres before you can say "lotsa debt" three times fast. There is a possibility that we can afford it if Mr. Seller is feeling particularly generous, but these are not generous times apparently. These are fill up your milk cartons with water and stow canned goods in the basement times, which does not bode well for our situation.
So, my question for the day is, anybody want to be my neighbor? Or give us a couple thousand dollars to buy 8 acres? I'll even sing like Mr. Rogers... won't you be, please won't you be, oh won't you be my neighbor...
But don't bring creepy puppets along. But do change sweaters and shoes when you walk into your house.
Coming up next: special request post of renovation plans for 1994! Thanks to my one reader for the suggestion!
Posted by Sam at 11:03 PM 5 comments
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Inspector Gadget

Posted by Sam at 4:41 AM 0 comments
Saturday, October 25, 2008
At Last
August 2007 : Bright and shiny young couple, soon to be wed, find cute 1920's fixer upper. Perfect first house. Offer made, unknown person swoops in and steals home, said couple left disappointed, but still hopeful.
September 07-January 08 : Couple search endlessly, no home to be found. Forced to rent (ugh).
August 08: House is found, too good to be true. 26 acres, foreclosure, lots of work needed, in our price range. Offer made to evil bank, evil bank rejects. Again, offered and rejected. Third time, we find out someone else swiped it from us. Sad, sad day.
August 08: Mike considers divorcing me. On the papers he cites "Ridiculous amount of whining" as the source, but backs out at the last second, remembering the fact that I am the mother of our two dog-children, and the visitation agreements would not be suitable.
October 08: Again, house is found, offer is made, offer is accepted, closing Nov. 21st. Oh happy day!
Ok, so when I write it all out, it doesn't look that bad. But please know that my hopes and dreams were dashed upon the rocks with each failed housing attempt. Fate peed in my sweet tea, and I did not enjoy it. I know, I know, wah wah wah. However, things are lookin up. Though we haven't closed on the house yet, the seller actually signed a contract, which is a first! We are getting the house inspected and appraised, and if all goes according to plan we will be homeowners the Friday before Thanksgiving. Can I get an amen?
More details on the house later, but for now, may I welcome you to the Griffin's!

Posted by Sam at 10:41 PM 1 comments